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Your definitive Web Services security resource
Minimize security risks in your system by successfully rolling out secure Web Services with help from this exceptional guide. Web Services Security covers everything network security professionals need to know, including details on Web Services architecture, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, XML Signature, XML Encryption, SAML, XACML, XKMS, and more. You'll also get implementation techniques as well as case studies featuring global service-provision initiatives such as the Liberty Alliance Project. Practical, comprehensive, and up-to-date, this is a must-have reference for every administrator interested in conquering real-life security challenges through the effective use of Web Services.
Learn the high-level principles of security and how they apply to Web ServicesDeploy Web Services technology following practical and clear examplesUse XKMS for validation and accountabilityEnsure data integrity by using XML Signature and XML Encryption with SOAPUse SAML and XACML for authentication and authorizationLearn the major components of the evolving ebXML standardGain valuable insight into the legal aspects of Web Services security--including digital signature laws, privacy issues, and application-to-application transactions