Weather Things in Photos is a collection of weather images, celebrating the variety of dynamic, colorful, inspirational, and educational sights in the sky and in the environment as a result of meteorology. From scenes of serenity, to striking lightning displays, these pictures entertain and enlighten those who are regular sky watchers, and those who are soon to become sky watchers Regardless of your age, occupation, or where you live on Earth, this book will give you new perspectives on weather things you may have seen before, and it will show you things to look for in the future.
Almost everything in the sky has a name. Learn the different cloud types. See what a circumzenith arc is. Surely, you've seen crepuscular rays? What about mammatus clouds or hole punch clouds? Fascinating photos from Meteorologist Alan Sealls show how simple ingredients of sun, air, and water serve up a cornucopia of sights.