What in the world is going on up there? Look up! It's a bird; it's a plane; it's a Polar mesospheric cloud! When you look to the sky, do you wonder why the Sun is so bright or why the clouds are white or why the sky is blue? Then, Weather For Dummies...
Find out what's really going on when it seems like the sky is falling with Weather For Dummies
What exactly is happening when the wind blows, the clouds roll in, lightning flashes, and rain pours down? How do hurricanes whip into a frenzy, and where...
Explore the world of weather with over 100 photos, maps, and illustrations! What's going on up there when the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the clouds roll in and the lightning flashes? How do hurricanes arise and where to tornadoes come from? Why do seasonal conditions...
What's going on up there when the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the clouds roll in and the lightning flashes? How do hurricanes arise and where to tornadoes come from? Why do seasonal conditions sometimes vary so much from one year to the next? Our ways of life, our very...
Das Wetter hat einen gro en Einfluss darauf wie wir unseren Tag planen, zudem ist es ein beliebtes Gespr?chsthema. Daf?r wissen wir oft wenig ?ber das, was da um uns herum geschieht. John D. Cox nimmt Sie mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die Erdatmosph?re und deren Verhalten...