Do you want to be able to enjoy your favorite foods all year long by canning and preserving them at home without having to invest in expensive professional equipment?
Are you looking for a simple and proven way to preserve your favorite veggies, fruits, and meat for the next 5 years?
If your answer is YES, I have the right solution for YOU! This step-by-step Cookbook will reveal you the safest method used by U.S. Military to preserve food for 5 years or more!
However the truth is that food preserving and canning is not an easy task. You need to follow step-by-step instructions and ensure that every step is done perfectly, without any flaws or mistakes.
Luckily I'm here to help you! Inside this Guide, I will reveal to you the best ways to can your favorite foods without spending much time or money! Here's what you will find in this book: Step-by-Step instructions to preserve food safely for 5 years and more!The best water bath canning & pressure canning recipes to store pickles, jams, jellies, salsas and sauces, chutneys and relishes, low sodium and low sugar food, vegetables and tomatoes, fruit, meat and much more!Safety tips & tricks to avoid the main mistakes you should never make.The best 12 equipment you need to can like a pro.Detailed recipes index from A to Z.
Even if you have no food canning experience, this cookbook will take you by the hand and lead you through every single step.
So don't wait. Scroll up, click on "Buy Now"!