""Was It An Illusion? A Parson's Story"" is a book written by Amelia B. Edwards. The story revolves around a parson who is trying to solve a mystery that has been haunting him for years. The parson is convinced that he witnessed a murder when he was a young man, but no one believes...
""Was It An Illusion? A Parson's Story"" is a novel written by Amelia B. Edwards. The story revolves around a parson named Paul Wynter, who is known for his skeptical views on supernatural events. However, when he is called to investigate a series of strange occurrences in a...
""Was It An Illusion? A Parson's Story"" is a novel written by Amelia B. Edwards. The book tells the story of a parson who is haunted by a mysterious figure that seems to have a connection to his past. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he begins to uncover secrets that have...