Chapter 1: Introduction-. Chapter 2: The case for markets-. Chapter 3: The start of the criticism: Aristotle-. Chapter 4 After the Greeks-. Chapter 5: Nineteenth century critics of the market-. Chapter 6: Later critics-. Chapter 6.1: Polanyi (1944): The Great Transformation-. Chapter 6.2: Jenkins (2000): Market Whys and Human Wherefores-. Chapter 6.3 Sandel (2003): What Money Can't Buy. The Moral Limits of Markets-. Chapter 6.4: Hutton (2015): How Good we can be. Ending the Mercenary Society and Building a great Country-. Chapter 6.5: Marquand (2015): Mammon's Kingdom: An Essay on Britain Now-. Chapter 6.6: Akerlof and Schiller (2015) Phishing for Phools. The Economics of Manipulation and Deception-. Chapter 7: An analysis of the principal criticisms-. Chapter 8: How to cope with flawed markets