With this New York Times bestseller, the beloved Walk series ends as Alan Christoffersen reaches his destination and the beginning of a new life: "Definitely a journey worth taking" (Booklist). After the death of his beloved wife, after the loss of...
In this fifth New York Times bestseller in the Walk series, Richard Paul Evans's hero Alan Christoffersen must say some painful goodbyes and learn some important lessons as he comes to the end of his cross-country walk to Key West. After the death of his beloved wife, after the...
With this New York Times bestseller, the beloved Walk series ends as Alan Christoffersen reaches his destination and the beginning of a new life: "Definitely a journey worth taking" (Booklist).After the death of his beloved wife, after the loss of his advertising...
With this New York Times bestseller, the beloved Walk series ends as Alan Christoffersen reaches his destination and the beginning of a new life: "Definitely a journey worth taking" (Booklist). After the death of his beloved wife, after the loss of his advertising...