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9 - 12 Years Children's Children's Books Fantasy Fantasy & Magic Science Fiction & FantasyWe first met local authors at school, and were impressed. After reading all there books and especially Voyage to Silvermight, we can't wait for the next one. Voyage to Silvermight is a great story of friends on a quest. The Dragonsbane Horn is broken in 4 pieces they need to find them. Not an easy thing. The four children have to face many dangers. Its funny, scary, and exciting the kids did not want to stop reading it. Can't...
Knightscares: Voyage To Silvermight is the first volume in The Dragonsbane Horn Trilogy. A fantastic novel intended for young adults ages 8 and up, Knightscares revolves around the quest for the a legendary artifact, and the one thing Dragons fear - the Dragonsbane Horn, broken into four pieces and lost across the world. The horn's power calls to fiend and hero alike, and a desperate struggle to reclaim it ensues in this magical,...
My son and I have read almost all of the "Knightscares" books. This is our favorite one so far. It has very imaginitive places, creatures and characters. There is a lesson to learn in each of the "Knightscares" books. In this particular book it is about greed and choices to be made when it rears it's ugly head. But most important, it teaches that there is a hero within us all. We may not know or see it but it is there...