Johnny Payne's book is a wonderful creative writing tool for both teaching and learning on your own, complete with indepth analysis--all presented in a very accessible style. (Although I could have done without the personal stories about the wife, etc.) Use this book and follow the exercises, and your writing will improve.
Dr. Johnny Payne's text VOICE AND STYLE is an excellent tool for helping fiction writers develop their own individual creative voice. Payne accomplishes this by taking the larger term known as "Style" and breaking it down into identifiable and practicable elements. These elements include but are not limited to Habits of Speech, Authority and Voice, Atmosphere and Tone, and Voice in Dialogue. His approach is analytical...
In "Voice and Style," Payne shows how to use the dramatic voice in dialogue to make the story more interesting by adding emotion. I loved his use of the Wizard of Oz example with "Dorothy from Kansas" to show how you " . . . don't have to look any further than your own backyard for a diphtong" with even the Wizard "after trying his hand and failing at Emerald- speak, turns out to be `an old Kansas man . . .'" himself...