Viking Tales is the thrilling story of Harald Fairhair. Starting at his birth it follows through his many adventures until he unites Norway as its King. As the Viking population grows their lust for adventure takes them on many brave journeys, discovering and settling...
Nights were long in Iceland winters of long ago. A whole family sat for hours around the fire in the middle of the room. That fire gave the only light. Shadows flitted in the dark corners. Smoke curled along the high beams of the ceiling. The children sat on the dirt floor...
This spectacular collection of ancient Viking myths and legends was compiled by Jennie Hall - a leading enthusiast in Nordic mythology. The tales draw upon well-known legends involving the Nordic pantheon of the Gods, as well as the folk stories which follow a young hero named...
This spectacular collection of ancient Viking myths and legends was compiled by Jennie Hall - a leading enthusiast in Nordic mythology. The tales draw upon well-known legends involving the Nordic pantheon of the Gods, as well as the folk stories which follow a young hero named...
A sparkling account of Viking adventures, culture, and religious beliefs, which is focused around the story of Harald Fairhair, first king of Norway (c. 850 - c. 932), but also draws upon the Sagas and other sources to produce a highly satisfying-and entertaining-view of Viking...
Illustrated by Victor R. Lambdin. A sparkling account of Viking adventures, culture, and religious beliefs, which is focused around the story of Harald Fairhair, first king of Norway (c. 850-c. 932), but also draws upon the Sagas and other sources to produce a highly satisfying-and...
Jennie Hall is most noted for her fascinating travel memoirs of the late eighteenth century. She produced vibrant narratives and brilliantly vivid descriptions that have made her popular among readers who wish to be transported into another area or time period. Her "Viking...
Viking Tales illustrators by Lambdin, Victor Ralph, 1876-1963 Content The baby -- The tooth thrall -- Olaf's farm -- Olaf's fight with Havard -- Foes'-fear -- Harald is king -- Harald's battle -- Gyda's saucy message -- The sea...
BY Hall, Jennie, 1875-1921
Jennie Hall has captured the true spirit of the ancient age of the Viking. We follow Herald from just after his birth, through many Viking adventures and his eventual crowning as King of Norway. We also go exploring ever westward with other Vikings eager to get away from their...
Viking Tales is a book written by Jennie Hall that tells the stories of the legendary Viking warriors and their adventures. The book is divided into several chapters, each one featuring a different tale of bravery, cunning, and heroism. The stories are based on the Norse sagas...
Viking Tales is comprised of mostly short chapters covering the time period between King Halfdan's reign in Norway through Leif Erikson's discovery of North America. Hall tells the stories of generations of Vikings in a manner which is both thrilling for young...
Nights were long in Iceland winters of long ago. A whole family sat for hours around the fire in the middle of the room. That fire gave the only light. Shadows flitted in the dark corners. Smoke curled along the high beams of the ceiling. The children sat on the dirt floor...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...