Premio Nobel de Literatura
"El m?s grande poeta del siglo xx en cualquier idioma". --Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez Un gran ?xito desde el mismo momento de su publicaci?n en 1924 cuando el autor contaba con tan solo diecinueve a?os, Veinte poemas de amor y...
This Nobel Prize-winning book, first published in 1924, is one of Neruda's most popular works. By using metaphors found in nature, he celebrates love and achieves harmony. Grief and sadness are brought to life so beautifully that his work remains unparalleled to this day.
First published in 1924, "Viente Poemas de Amor y una Cancion Desperada" remains among Neruda's most popular work. Daringly metaphorical, these poems are based upon his own private associations. Their sensuous use of nature symbolism to celebrate love and to express grief has...