This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
Ernest Renan's 'Life of Jesus' is a landmark work of biblical scholarship that offers a groundbreaking new perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Drawing on a wide range of historical and cultural sources, Renan paints a vivid portrait of Jesus as a human...
In "The Life of Jesus," Ernest Renan offers a profound and controversial historical and theological analysis of the life of Jesus Christ, weaving together a narrative that is both scholarly and accessible. Renan employs a critical literary style that combines history, biography,...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Le livre d?fend et illustre une th?se selon laquelle la biographie de J?sus devait ?tre ?crite comme celle de n'importe quel autre homme. Les ?vangiles devaient ?tre soumis ? un examen critique comme n'importe quel autre document historique. En application de cette th?se, Renan...
La Vie de J sus est un essai d'Ernest Renan, publi en 1863. C'est le premier volume d'un projet plus vaste, l'Histoire des origines du christianisme (huit volumes publi s entre 1863 et 1883). Ce best-seller europ en fait scandale notamment en France car le philologue et historien...
"The Life of Jesus" from Ernest Renan. French expert of Middle East ancient languages and civilizations, philosopher and writer (1823-1892).
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"An epoch, not for the Catholic world only, but for general literature....The essay on the sources of the Life of Jesus with which it opens is itself a literary masterpiece." -Albert Schweitzer, The Quest of the Historical Jesus, 1906 "A rhetorician of great skill, a master of...
In presenting an English version of the celebrated work of M. Renan, the translator is aware of the difficulty of adequately rendering a work so admirable for its style and beauty of composition. It is not an easy task to reproduce the terseness and eloquence which characterize...
Cette oeuvre ( dition reli ) fait partie de la s rie TREDITION CLASSICS. La maison d' dition tredition, bas e Hambourg, a publi dans la s rie TREDITION CLASSICS des ouvrages anciens de plus de deux mill naires. Ils taient pour la plupart puis s ou uniquement disponible chez...
Ce livre d fend et illustre une th se selon laquelle la biographie de J sus devait tre crite comme celle de n'importe quel autre homme. Les vangiles devaient tre soumis un examen critique comme n'importe quel autre document historique. En application de cette th se, Renan...
Ce livre a marqu les milieux intellectuels de l' poque. Il contient la th se, alors controvers e, selon laquelle la biographie de J sus doit tre comprise comme celle de n'importe quel autre homme, et la Bible comme devant tre soumise un examen critique comme n'importe quel...