""Victor Ollnee's Discipline"" is a novel written by American author Hamlin Garland. The story follows a young man named Victor Ollnee who is determined to succeed in life despite his humble beginnings. Victor is raised in a small town in the Midwest and dreams of becoming a...
""Victor Ollnee's Discipline"" is a novel written by American author Hamlin Garland. The story follows the life of Victor Ollnee, a young man who is determined to succeed in life despite his difficult upbringing. Victor grows up in poverty in a small town in the Midwest and is...
Reproduction of the original: Victor Ollnee's Discipline by Hamlin Garland
Victor Ollnee's discipline (1911). This book, "Victor Ollnee's discipline", by Hamlin Garland, is a replication of a book originally published before 1911. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible...
" ...]sent away to play when they came. Oh, Gil"-his voice broke-"she is a medium, but she's not the awful creature they make her out." "Of course not. We all know how these things go." "You see, I went away to boarding-school when I was ten. This paper says I was sent away to...