The next installment of the uplifting, witty, yet deeply perceptive daily diary...
Verity Red's (veri tyred's) latest story begins in April, her favourite month of the year. She loves to see yellow. The yellow of daffodils in springtime, sunflowers, and sweetcorn on a fresh pizza. But lately, she has been seeing red. Not the nice red of fresh plump strawberries, tomatoes, or red peppers - the bright red of anger towards medical people who treat her badly.
Every day she endeavours to find ways not to feel blue. The blue of coping with M.E./C.F.S., boredom, and stressful situations. She would rather gaze at a springtime blue sky, bluebells, Prussian blue in a jigsaw puzzle, or her turquoise (an energy giving colour) tee-shirt from Top Shop.
A friend gives her a herb cutting for her birthday, so it's not long before she is seeing green. The green of mint leaves growing in a terracotta pot. And when her partner buys flowers, she delights in purple and orange hues. Sometimes on rainy days, Verity enjoys umbrella spotting (golfing ones being her favourite) and if the sun appears, she can play find the rainbow... Verity Red (part one) promises to be a very colourful, quirky and amusing read.