2021 PenCraft Award Winner
Readers Favorite Mystery Finalist 2021
Neil Baggio thought he was done with the FBI, done with Cappelano, and finally accepted he may never close the case of his mentor turned famed killer. After a rash of killings too close to be considered copycats, too detailed to be someone else, the FBI calls Neil back in.
Cappelano, the Veritas Killer, looks to Neil as unfinished business, a student still in need of his teaching and will do everything in his power to finish his lesson.
Neil must overcome the demons that come with watching a killer go free, taking lives and doing it on his watch. He must color outside the FBI's lines if he's going to catch Cappelano this time and not play by all the Bureau's rules that cost him last time. Since leaving the FBI Neil has built a company in Detroit of investigators with a trusted ally that has made him a force in the community. Using his team, he trusts, he will have to work inside the FBI to keep tabs on Cappelano while working outside the Bureau's prying eyes.
Cappelano has dreams of getting Neil back into the Bureau's good graces, back to the top of the mountain. Cappelano looks to Neil as his greatest achievement, his top pupil but still unfinished. It is this case that will define Neil, from Detroit to D.C. and across the border Neil will have to push himself and his relationships to the limit if he's going to survive Cappelano one last time.