Fascinating fiction starts with characters who make readers care. This Live Wire Writer Guide presents a simple, effective technique to sharpen your hook, charge your scenes, and amplify your voice whether you're a beginner or an expert.
Most writing manuals skirt craft questions with gimmicks and quick fixes rather than plugging directly into your story's power source. Energize your fiction and boost your career with
a new characterization method that jumpstarts drafting, crafting, revision, and pitching. skill-builders to intensify language, stakes, and emotion for your readers. battle-tested solutions for common traps, crutches, and habits. a dynamic story-planning strategy effective for plotters and pantsers. ample examples and exercises to help you upgrade fiction in any genre.Blast past overused tics and types with storycraft that busts your ruts and awes your audience. Whether you like to wing it or bring it, Verbalize offers a fresh set of user-friendly, language-based tools to populate your pages and lay the foundations of unforgettable genre fiction.
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