Paul Di Filippo delivers a thrilling and thought-provoking adventure through the multiverse in Vangie's Ghosts, a compelling science fiction novel about one girl with extraordinary powers. Three-year-old Vangie is mute and unresponsive. She shows no interest in the people...
Paul Di Filippo delivers a thrilling and thought-provoking adventure through the multiverse in Vangie's Ghosts, a compelling science fiction novel about one girl with extraordinary powers. Three-year-old Vangie is mute and unresponsive. She shows no interest in the people...
Paul Di Filippo delivers a thrilling and thought-provoking adventure through the multiverse in Vangie's Ghosts, a compelling science fiction novel about one girl with extraordinary powers. Three-year-old Vangie is mute and unresponsive. She shows no interest in the people...