The final instalment in Hugh Walpole's tumultuous The Herries Chronicle, the family saga has entered the early twentieth century. Judith Paris' granddaughter, Vanessa, regales the passionate woman's story, beginning with her hundredth birthday in the 1870s...
At the sight of her son Judith's eyes and mouth broke into the loveliest smile that anymember of the Herries family, there present, had ever seen. It was Judith Paris' hundredth birthday. The Family was making a Presentation. Adam bent down and kissed her. Her tiny, trembling...
At the sight of her son Judith's eyes and mouth broke into the loveliest smile that any member of the Herries family, there present, had ever seen. It was Judith Paris' hundredth birthday. The Family was making a Presentation. Adam bent down and kissed her. Her tiny, trembling...