The tall, young Texan had gambled, fought, and killed in every town from Montana to Mexico. He'd been in plenty of places where there was no law, but this little hellhole was the worst.Jard Hardman and his son Dick were the law. They owned the marshal and used him to rob the...
Why buy our paperbacks? Standard Font size of 10 for all books High Quality Paper Fulfilled by Amazon Expedited shipping 30 Days Money Back Guarantee BEWARE of Low-quality sellers Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding...
Zane Grey is the master writer of the American Western. The Valley of Wild Horses is a great story full of cowboys, horses, hombres and gun fights. Panhandle Smith, "Pan" for short, was born to a Texas farmer and raised in wide open spaces. His dad bought him his first pony...
First published in 1927, this new Raging Bull Edition contains the original text as well as background articles including:- Zane Grey - A Biography of a Western Literary Genius- Zane Grey - A List of Books by the Great Western Author - The Wild West - A Brief Overview VALLEY...
The tall, young Texan had gambled, fought, and killed in every town from Montana to Mexico. He'd been in plenty of places where there was no law, but this little hellhole was the worst.Jard Hardman and his son Dick were the law. They owned the marshal and used him to rob the...
In spite of becoming known as the most successful author of stories of the old West, Zane Grey did get criticized. One New York literary critic said, "Grey possesses no merit whatsoever either in style or in substance." Another scathingly wrote, "The substance of any two Zane...
The Panhandle was a lonely purple range land, unfenced, and wind swept. Bill Smith, cattleman, threw up a cabin and looked at the future with hopeful eyes. One day while plowing almost out of sight of his little home - which that morning he had left apprehensively owing to...
The Panhandle was a lonely purple range land, unfenced, and wind swept. Bill Smith, cattleman, threw up a cabin and looked at the future with hopeful eyes. One day while plowing almost out of sight of his little home - which that morning he had left apprehensively owing to...
Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American author best known for writing Western novels, with his most famous being Riders of the Purple Sage. Grey also wrote many other novels on fishing and baseball. Valley of Wild Horses is a historical novel set in the American West.
The tall, young Texan had gambled, fought, and killed in every town from Montana to Mexico. He'd been in plenty of places where there was no law, but this little hellhole was the worst.Jard Hardman and his son Dick were the law. They owned the marshal and used him to rob the...
Why buy our paperbacks? Standard Font size of 10 for all books High Quality Paper Fulfilled by Amazon Expedited shipping 30 Days Money Back Guarantee BEWARE of Low-quality sellers Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding...
The Panhandle was a lonely purple range land, unfenced and wind swept. Bill Smith, cattleman, threw up a cabin and looked at the future with hopeful eyes. One day while plowing almost out of sight of his little home-which that morning he had left apprehensively owing to an impending...
Zane Grey is the master writer of the American Western. The Valley of Wild Horses is a great story full of cowboys, horses, hombres and gun fights. Panhandle Smith, "Pan" for short, was born to a Texas farmer and raised in wide open spaces. His dad bought him his first pony...
In spite of becoming known as the most successful author of stories of the old West, Zane Grey did get criticized. One New York literary critic said, "Grey possesses no merit whatsoever either in style or in substance." Another scathingly wrote, "The substance of any two Zane...