Valentine Weigel and Jacob Boehme is a book written by Rudolf Steiner that explores the lives and teachings of two influential German mystics from the 16th and 17th centuries. The book begins with an introduction to Valentine Weigel, a Christian mystic and theologian who lived...
Valentine Weigel and Jacob Boehme is a book written by Rudolf Steiner that explores the lives and teachings of two influential figures in Christian mysticism. The book begins with an introduction to Valentine Weigel, a German mystic and theologian who lived in the 16th century...
Valentine Weigel and Jacob Boehme is a book written by Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher, esotericist, and founder of anthroposophy. The book explores the lives and teachings of two influential figures in the Christian mysticism movement: Valentine Weigel and Jacob Boehme.Weigel...