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In the fast-moving world we live in, as a matter of fact, many people suffer from ailments like Anxiety, Depression, Sleep related issues, Digestive ailments, Inflammation, Heart rate pathologies, Sexual dysfunctions and Diabetes.
This is mainly due to the overwhelming levels of stress we suffer and the unhealthy eating and sleeping patterns we adopt which causes tensions inside us day by day.
As a matter of fact, the need for an easy and practical way to restore our body natural balance has never been so important as today.
Modern medical science is now discovering what ancient practices like yoga, meditation, pranayama and mantra chanting had sensed centuries ago: the intertwined connection between mind and body and how each other can influence our healing process.
In this book, the author teaches how you can take care of yourself, tapping into a mix of ancient techniques and modern medical science discoveries, which simply "turn on" your Vagus Nerve.
In this practical guide, you will learn:
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