Discover The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, presented entirely in Toki Pona glyphs (sitelen pona) and brought to life with over 70 adorable colour illustrations by Evan Dahm. To help beginners, this book is fully bilingual in English and Toki Pona. In this abridged...
This classic tale recounts the thrilling adventures of a girl named Dorothy and her best companion, Toto. After being hit by a cyclone, they find themselves in the magical Land of Oz. In their quest to return home, they travel along the yellow brick road to meet the Wizard, encounter...
L. Frank Baum's timeless classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the rst uniquely American fairy tale. A combination of enchanting fantasy and piercing social commentary, this remarkable story has entertained and beguiled readers of all ages since it was rst published in 1900...
L. Frank Baum released "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" as a children's book in 1900. The plot centers on the exploits of Dorothy Gale, a small child who lives in Kansas with her aunt and uncle. Toto and Dorothy are carried by a tornado to the fantastical country of Oz. She turns...
This WICKED EDITION is printed with white text on black pages, offering a witchy twist on a classic. A perfect gift for any Wizard of Oz collector or addition to any library. Unique dark pages invite readers new and old to experience Oz in a brand new way. "Come...