Inspired by a terrifying true story, a heart-pounding novel of suspense about a small Minnesota town where nothing is as quiet--or as safe--as it seems. Cassie McDowell's life in 1980s Minnesota seems perfectly wholesome. She lives on a farm, loves school, and...
Inspired by a terrifying true story, a heart-pounding novel of suspense about a small Minnesota town where nothing is as quiet--or as safe--as it seems. Cassie McDowell's life in 1980s Minnesota seems perfectly wholesome. She lives on a farm, loves school, and...
Inspired by a terrifying true story, a heart-pounding novel of suspense about a small Minnesota town where nothing is as quiet--or as safe--as it seems. Cassie McDowell's life in 1980s Minnesota seems perfectly wholesome. She lives on a farm, loves school, and...