A lost manuscript from the pen of obscure Scots-Irish writer Martin Caulder, recently come to light.
A pseudonymous work for the Olympia Press in Paris in the 1960s.
A mysterious packet of papers from the 1920s.
A Strange Case from the 1890s in fin de si cle Paris.
William Crowe and Stephen Devlin, Irish exiles and students of the Occult, have made a dangerous wager: who shall be the first to woo young Thomas MacGilpatrick, a Jesuit novice, away from the Church and his vocation?
The Path of Initiation into the Mysteries? Or the Path of Ecstasy and the Wild?
Our two Devil's Advocates play a game of smoke and mirrors, Tarot-Chess, Kabbalistic Backgammon, working like artisans to win that single, tender, valuable soul.
Through the dark streets and into the cabarets and crypts of a gaslit Night-town Paris, we are led a merry danse macabre, and stray with Doubtful Thomas through the labyrinth of that Unreal City.
A chilling tale of decadence and delirium, to quicken even the deadest, darkest heart ...