Manual para sobrevivir a un coraz n roto y, sobre todo, para asumir que est bien estar mal.
Amalia se enfrenta a un coraz n roto... el suyo? Con una mirada positiva, en rgica y con toques de humor, construye un kit de primeros auxilios absolutamente interactivo: muy til para combatir el desamor a trav s de reflexiones, consejos, recetas y montones de listas e ideas ingeniosas capaces de transformar una experiencia negativa en una fuerza liberadora.
Cambiar no es una renuncia sino una promesa, nos dice la autora. Porque si algo no funciona, SIEMPRE habr un nuevo amor o una nueva vida.
Porque en el amor y en el desamor nunca estamos solos.
Amalia deals with a broken heart... her own? With a positive, energetic approach, with hints of humor, she builds a completely interactive first aid kit, which comes in handy to face the lack of love through reflection, advice, recipes and tons of lists and clever ideas capable of transforming a negative experience into a liberating force. Changing does not mean giving something up, but rather promising something, says the author. Because if something is not working out, there will ALWAYS be a new love or a new life.
Because when it comes to love, or the lack thereof, we are never alone.
A manual to survive a broken heart and, above all, accept that it is OK to feel bad.