As a law graduate and legal scholar, author Neil Egan-Ronayne ascribes to a philosophy that the production of knowledgeable and influential lawyers begins with the simplification of case law, and so written to instill confidence in those new to this complex subject Neil has meticulously studied over three hundred and seventy historic U.S. cases in order to construct an invaluable research supplement to accompany all Juris Doctor candidates during their time at university.
Spanning six primary law modules taught by all American universities, this book discusses Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contract Law, Criminal Law, Property Law and Tort Law, while each case study traces their genesis and includes The BlueBook(R) referenced citations designed to pinpoint the position of the court's final judgment.
These citations undoubtedly assist in the cohesive presentation of academic work, however their presence further expedites learning, improves written coursework and facilitates open discussion within group environments, and while such an unprecedented presentation is an invaluable law study support resource, it also remains a critical reference point for those navigating their academic or legal careers at every level.
In summary 'United States Law: A Case Study Collection' is the perfect gift for those considering a future in U.S legal practice or the mere pursuit of an academic qualification in this fascinating and timeless field.
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