Created exclusively for unique lades, The Lady of Gamma notebook is the perfect place for any pink and blue butterfly to record the most important happenings in her sorority life. Whether she is a new member or National Officer, the Lady of Gamma notebook is the ideal companion - at chapter meetings, national retreats, or community service.
Designed to fit the fast pace of life, this flexible 8.5x11-inch notebook slips easily in a sorority tote bag or backpack, while still offering plenty of room to write. No matter where you go, you'll never be caught without a place to jot down your most important sorority notes and ideas.
Got a ton going on in your chapter? The Lady of Gamma notebook will keep it all organized for you This portable notebook is the perfect thing to add into your next crossing gift, Founders' Day, or sorority birthday present.
Grab one for yourself, your Neo, or your favorite Unique lady
Designed in the USA, with Greek Life leaders in mind
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