In this controversial new book, Matt Alford (Reel Power) asks T.J. Coles (Britain's Secret Wars) a series of penetrating questions about Britain's global role in the age of Russia, Brexit, and Trump. How much influence does Britain really have in the world? Why do we sell arms to everyone under the Sun? Why are we sponsoring genocide in Burma?
Coles drops one truth bomb after another on a range of topics, including 'free trade', modern slavery, the benefits system, Jeremy Corbyn, anti-Semitism, and the global reptilian conspiracy (which Coles audaciously denies ) Backed-up with over 200 scholarly footnotes, Coles applies razor-sharp logic to some of the most pressing questions of our times: how to spot propaganda, how to dissect it, and where to find truth in the era of fake news and top-down disinformation.
Dispersed among Matt's devil's advocate questioning are side-splitting, rib-tickling gags about war crimes and genocide, as well as breath-taking photos of political graffiti. This daring tome is a must-have for activists, international relations students, and in fact anyone remotely interested in politics and world affairs.