In the unforgiving West a dozen years after the California Gold Rush, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous ex-general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Forged in the Mexican War, this...
In the unforgiving West, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Forged in the Mexican War, this man of steel knows how to survive, and how to kill. He...
In the unforgiving West, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Forged in the Mexican War, this man of steel knows how to survive, and how to kill. He...
In the unforgiving West, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Forged in the Mexican War, this man of steel knows how to survive, and how to kill. He...
In the unforgiving West, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Forged in the Mexican War, this man of steel knows how to survive, and how to kill. He...