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I just started playing Poker a week ago and wanted a really simple explantion of the game. This book did the trick. It opened up my eyes to different types of games, styles of play and where to play. If you are looking for a simple general overview into the world of Poker, this is it. p.s. Once you have chosen the type of Poker you want to play, Glazer gives excellent great reads in his Appendix.
First, let me say that I wholeheartedly recommend this book. The fact that it is inexpensive is an immediate bonus but also, Mr. Glazer, has strong writing skills and the pages are very accessible. If you're not in the mood for concentrating you could even scan it, because, as is true with all of the "Idiot's Guide" series, "Poker" has little subgroupings that allow for quick digestion. In this edition, they're little boxes...