Under False Pretenses is a novel written by Adeline Sergeant in 1889. The story revolves around a young woman named Hester Wynne who is left alone and penniless after the death of her father. In order to make ends meet, she takes a job as a governess in a wealthy family's home...
Under False Pretenses is a novel written by Adeline Sergeant and first published in 1889. The book follows the story of a young woman named Rachel Westlake who is left penniless after the death of her father. She is forced to take a job as a governess for a wealthy family, the...
Reproduction of the original: Under False Pretences by Adeline Sergeant
Adeline Sergeant (1851 - 1904) was an English writer. In 1882, her novel Jacobi's wife resulted in a small award of 100, and the work was published serially in London. For the next several years her writings were serialized in the Dundee newspaper, where she lived from 1885-7...