When Henry Forester is shot down during a bombing run over France, the World War II pilot finds himself trapped behind enemy lines. In constant danger of discovery by German soldiers, Henry begins a remarkable journey to freedom. Relying on the kindness of strangers, Henry moves...
Wounded and alone behind enemy lines, a young pilot must find his way to freedom in this gripping, beloved novel
When Henry Forester is shot down during a bombing run over France, the World War II pilot finds himself trapped behind enemy lines. In constant danger of...
When Henry Forester is shot down during a bombing raid over France during World War II, the pilot finds himself trapped behind enemy lines. In constant danger of discovery by the Germans, Henry beings a remarkable journey to freedom, gaining an understanding of the French and...
Wounded and alone behind enemy lines, a young pilot must find his way to freedom in this gripping, beloved novel When Henry Forester is shot down during a bombing run over France, the World War II pilot finds himself trapped behind enemy lines. In constant danger of discovery...