Growing up, Uncle Wiggily's Friends was a favorite of my sisters and mine. The stories and illustrations are great. My three year old son loves these stories, especially Uncle Wiggily and the Snow Plow. The stories have great examples for teaching universal values. We have the 1955 edition with illustrations by the author, which I think are more appealing than the stories illustrated by others.
Uncle Wiggily and his Friends by Howard R. Garis was one of the first books I remember reading (or having read to me). Uncle Wiggily Longears is a "rabbit gentleman." He has a kind heart, goes on interesting adventures and teaches children life lessons. I have the 1955 edition, complete with a green cloth cover. I will never part with it, even though it has scribble marks in it. It is in fact the copy I had when...
This is a wonderful book appropriate for all children. I have the 1986 printing indicating copyrights of 1939 and 1955 by The Platt & Munk Co., Inc. a division of Grosset & Dunlap (ISBN 0-448-40504-0). Many color and B & W drawings are presented in a detailed style common for the period. A typical page is half text and half art. There are simple rhymes accompanying each story. My children enjoy the stories which...
Uncle Wiggly stories were read to me as a pre-school and early grades bed-time routine. Anticipating the next adventure is a fond memory. The problem-solving and very proper bunny gentleman gives a life's lesson that there are clever and common sense approaches to problems that suddenly arise, and that there are continuous problems that surprise our lives. We are now reading these stories to our 4.5 year old (for the last...
The most proper Mr. Rabbitt, and his Nephew were able to successfully survive on LemonAide and IceCream, when their hot air balloon would accidently land on deserted islands. A series of stories relating to making the best of things in life.. I grew up with his stories and ended up living in Hawaii for the past 27 years! And sucessfully too