A profound new approach to healing trauma, grounded in a radical reframing of how we understand this nearly universal experience
For centuries, we've been taught that being traumatized means we are somehow broken--and that trauma only happens to people who are too fragile or flawed to deal with hardship. But as a researcher, teacher, and survivor, Dr. MaryCatherine McDonald has learned that the only thing broken is our society's understanding of trauma. "The body's trauma response is designed to save our lives--and it does," she says. "It's not a sign of weakness, but of our function, strength, and amazing resilience." With Unbroken: The Trauma Response Is Never Wrong, Dr. McDonald overturns the misconceptions about trauma with the latest evidence from neuroscience and psychology--and shares tested practices and tools to help you work with your body's coping mechanisms to accelerate healing. Here, you'll explore: - What is trauma? The latest science that undoes the stigmas of shame, blame, and humiliation