This single dad isn't afraid to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty... The house across the street was supposed to be mine. The plan was already in place, fix it up then re-sell it. All so I would have enough money to move out west to be with my little...
Questo pap single non ha paura di rimboccarsi le maniche... La casa al di l della strada doveva essere mia. Il piano era gi stato predisposto: sistemarla e poi rivenderla. Cos da avere abbastanza soldi per potermi spostare ad ovest e stare insieme alla...
Dieser alleinerziehende Vater scheut sich nicht, die rmel hochzukrempeln und sich die H nde schmutzig zu machen... Das Haus auf der anderen Stra enseite sollte eigentlich mir geh ren. Der Plan stand bereits, es herrichten und dann wieder verkaufen. Damit...
Ce p re c libataire n'a pas peur de retrousser ses manches et se salir les mains... La maison en face de chez moi tait cens e m'appartenir. Le plan tait d j en place, la retaper et la revendre au plus vite. De cette mani re j'aurais pu r cup rer assez d'argent...
Questo pap single non ha paura di rimboccarsi le maniche... La casa al di l della strada doveva essere mia. Il piano era gi stato predisposto: sistemarla e poi rivenderla. Cos da avere abbastanza soldi per potermi spostare ad ovest e stare insieme alla...
This single dad isn't afraid to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty... The house across the street was supposed to be mine. The plan was already in place, fix it up then re-sell it. All so I would have enough money to move out west to be with my little...