"With great power comes great responsibility." In 1963, these prophetic words launched one of the most successful and recognizable characters of the 20th century... Spider-Man! The powers granted bookish Peter Parker by radioactive spider have fueled the imaginations of fans...
In a retelling of the Spider-Man saga that has been updated for the twenty-first century, teenager Peter Parker is bitten by an experimental spider from the laboratory of Osborn Industries, and develops super powers as a result.
With great power comes great responsibility. In 1963, these prophetic words launched one of the most successful and recognizable characters of the 20th century - Spider-Man The powers granted to bookish Peter Parker by a radioactive spider have fueled the imaginations of fans...
Powers granted to bookish Peter Parker by a radioactive spider have fueled the imaginations of fans worldwide for nearly 40 years. With the dawning of a new age, however, comes a hero for a new millennium - Ultimate Spider-Man