This volume contains "Typhoon," "The Secret Sharer," "Falk," and "Amy Foster." "Typhoon", a story of a steamship and her crew beset by a tempest, is a masterpiece of descriptive virtuosity and moral irony, while "The Secret Sharer" excels in symbolic ambiguity. Both stories vividly...
A Penguin Classics edition of "Typhoon," "Amy Foster," "Falk," and "Tomorrow" In these four stories, written between 1900 and 1902, Joseph Conrad bid gradual farewell to his adventurous life at sea and began to confront the more daunting complexities of life on...
"Typhoon and Other Stories" is a collection of four shorter works by Joseph Conrad. In the title work "Typhoon" we have a classic tale of the sea which describes how Captain MacWhirr sails the Siamese steamer "Nan-Shan" into a typhoon. "Typhoon" excellently depicts sea-faring...
This volume contains "Typhoon," "The Secret Sharer," "Falk," and "Amy Foster." "Typhoon", a story of a steamship and her crew beset by a tempest, is a masterpiece of descriptive virtuosity and moral irony, while "The Secret Sharer" excels in symbolic ambiguity. Both stories vividly...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John Machir. Also includes the stories: Amy Foster, Falk: A Reminiscence, and To-morrow.
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...
This classic sea-faring story is believed to be based on author Joseph Conrad's real experiences at sea when he sailed aboard the John P. Best steamer under Captain John MacWhir. Also includes the stories: "Amy Foster," "Falk: A Reminiscence," and "To-morrow".In these four stories,...