Dylan, a young man, tells the story of his friendship with Tyler, a college student who commits a mass shooting at a party off-campus.
They meet at their dorm welcoming party and, though Tyler is a bit odd, Dylan finds him interesting. Slowly they form a close friendship, navigating college life, dealing with campus culture, rampant partying, bullies, mental illness, loneliness, and manhood. Semester after semester, Tyler is unable to fit in, and signs that he is struggling build to a dangerous level. Dylan learns troubling details about his past, and they have deep conversations about their issues and how life should be lived. Despite efforts by Dylan and family members to help Tyler, his mental health declines, and the end result is this tragic and deadly event. Dylan can only wonder what could've been done, why Tyler walked a dark path, and how he, Tyler's family, and the college can try to pick up the pieces.