You sometimes think you have outgrown a certain "phase" in your twin flame journey and then wake up the next day feeling as if you are backsliding. Even though you had achieved the inner peace state when you surrender. The next day feels like a relapse as if you had made two steps forward and then three steps backward. You feel like even though you did your best to embrace surrendering and healing, the rewards are few and less satisfying than the effort invested.
All twin flames agree that after the healing phase - you have free will to choose how to proceed with living your life. You can choose to pursue a harmonious relationship with your twin flame or you choose to live a peaceful life of solitude as you pursue your life goals.Once you reach that phase of constant inner peace, you realize that a reunion is not the epitome of happiness in the twin flame journey. Also, it is not imminent that you will heal at the same time as your twin flame. Some twin flames are not relationship material either - you choose to accept your connection and its sacredness and move on with your life in another direction in mutual understanding with your twin flame partner.
I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed.