In these two devastating late works, Nietzsche offers a powerful attack on the morality and the beliefs of his time Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols is a 'grand declaration of war' on reason, psychology and theology, which combines highly charged personal attacks on his contemporaries...
'One must be superior to mankind in force, in loftiness of soul--in contempt' In these two devastating works, Nietzsche offers a sustained and often vitriolic attack on the morality and the beliefs of his time, in particular those of Hegel, Kant and Schopenhaur. Twilight...
Of The Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche says in Ecce Homo (p. 118): -"If anyone should desire to obtain a rapid sketch of how everything before my time was standing on its head, he should begin reading me in this book. That which is called 'Idols' on the title-page is simply...
Twilight of the Idols, or How to Philosophize with a Hammer a book by Friedrich Nietzsche, written in 1888, and published in 1889. Nietzsche criticizes German culture of the day as unsophisticated and nihilistic, and shoots some disapproving arrows at key French, British, and...
"Books for everybody are always malodorous books: the smell of petty people clings to them," scoffed Friedrich Nietzsche. These two works, Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist, crowned the radical philosopher's career of writing books that are decidedly not...
'One must be superior to mankind in force, in loftiness of soul-in contempt' In these two devastating works, Nietzsche offers a sustained and often vitriolic attack on the morality and the beliefs of his time, in particular those of Hegel, Kant and Schopenhaur. Twilight of the...