If you are considering buying this book, let me be honest with you it has taken me 26 years to write it. This book began when my father died, I had a nudging in my heart and spirit to tell my story, like most of us we start and stop so many things in life. I started and stopped so many times because I was questioning myself. My first thoughts were who would want to read it and would anyone buy it. It started with the loss of my dad on January 11, 1995, and that all changed when my mother passed on January 18, 2021.
I always thought I would lose my mind if something happened to my dad and when he passed, I thought that he was going to get up out of the casket wake up from the dead and scare the hell out of all of us because he always told me if he could come back after death he would. That didn't happen and here I am again this time it's my mother it took me by surprise, it knocked me off my square, I don't know but for some strange reason, we think our moms will live forever. Writing this book has been therapeutic and comforting to me. I pray that it will make you laugh, smile, or shake your head and then allow you to breathe. It's my story but I've learned that we are all connected, and we will all experience the joys and sadness of life's situations. Telling my story may be the beginning of you telling your story and someone else will hear both of our stories. Buy it, read it, keep it, or pass it on, it's an easy read, I think you will enjoy it.
Take your shoes off get your drink settled into your quiet place. Let's go on this journey together.