MY DEAR COUSIN: I am leaving next week with my husband for England, where we intend to pass some time visiting his friends. John and I have determined to accept the invitation you gave us last summer for Harold to come and spend a few months with you. His father thinks that a...
A fascinating book written from the loyalist perspective in the American Revolutionary War.
This story revolves around the War for Independence. Bunkers Hill, Treton, the capture of Philadelphia, Saratoga, Savannah, and South Carolina are locations in this story. This story is told by Major Steadman who served under Howe and Cornwallis. Unlike most books written...
It was a bright morning in the month of August, when a lad of some fifteen years of age, sitting on a low wall, watched party after party of armed men riding up to the castle of the Earl of Evesham.
True to the Old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence; by G.A. Henty tells the story of the The American Revolution form the perspective of a young British loyalist, Harold Wilson. George Alfred Henty (8 December 1832 - 16 November 1902) was a prolific English novelist...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. First published in 1884.
Reproduction of the original: True To the Old Flag by G.A. Henty
True To The Old Flag is a historical adventure novel written by G.A. Henty. The story is set during the American Revolution and follows the adventures of sixteen-year-old Harry Sandwith, a British soldier who is sent to fight against the American rebels. Harry is a loyalist and...
True To The Old Flag is a historical fiction novel by G.A. Henty, first published in 1885. It tells the story of a young British boy named Harry who joins the British army during the American Revolution. Harry is sent to America to fight against the colonists who are rebelling...