The 3rd installment of this tale picks up after the battle to end all the underworld has taken place. Queen Ayla and Malachi (Cerridwen's father), along with countless Fairies, Elves, and other creatures have been killed by the fearsome Waterhorses. Cedric, faithful servant to several queens, fulfills a final promise to Queen Ayla to save her daughter Cerridwen. Cerridwen, Cedric, and a handful of palace guards make their...
With the deaths of her royal parents Queen Ayla and Malachai during the battle between Lightworld and the Darkworld elves and waterhorses (see the second book Child of Darkness); the heir to the throne of Faery Queene, Cerridwen flees to the Upworld human realm. Accompanying her in order to keep her safe is her late mom's chosen betrothed for her Cedric. They make it to Eire, the last fairy realm amidst the mortals. Ruling...
Well I have to admit with the conclusion of "Queene Of Light" I was concerned whether I would enjoy this series. Some elements were present from the get go: The writing was beautifully crafted, the Lightworld/Darkworld areas were intriguing, the politics were different than I have run across before. But I never felt close to part fae/part human Ayla or her lover, the fallen angel Malachi, perhaps because they didn't have...