In the Kama Sutra, the classical Indian text on sex and sexuality, having sex with two women at the same time is said to be a favorite with sultans and maharajahs, but I felt neither like a sultan nor like a maharajah when later on, back in my room at the Atlanta Hotel, I checked my wallet and realized that I'd been robbed. Apparently, though, I had made the two young women happy, because they had been kind enough to leave me the passport and twenty dollars.
After having a look inside a jewelry shop near the Pakistan Embassy, Janina and I were about to leave when the shop owner, a prosperous looking man probably in his thirties, a little short for an Afghan, but quite sure of himself, with a conspiratorial look in his dark eyes showed me a gold ring with a precious stone as big as a walnut, and said, "This ring in exchange for the girl."