Three strikes, they're on the outs.... ONE: Heather pretending to date Jacob, just to mess with Sasha. TWO: A new girl who is so competitive, she makes Heather look tame. THREE: A former BFF with a new hobby: stealing boyfriends. I thought this book was the most intense so far. Jasmine is most definitely my least favorite character, she is slithery like a snake. Sasha and Eric are my favorite characters. They are so cool...
I ordered this without realizing it is part of a series of books. I simply saw that it was a teenage horsey book, and having a teenage horsey daughter, I thought it would be ideal. However, despite not having read the first three books in the series, my daughter was able to pick this book up and quickly learn enough about the characters to understand what was going on. I think she wouldn't mind going back and reading the...
I've only been waiting for this book FOREVER!! I finally got my copy and I stayed up all night to read it. I love these books so much and am already starting it a second time. I love it!!! :) *Diana*