Intergalactic Adventure Awaits. E. E. "Doc" Smith is often referred to as the father of Space Opera. The Lensman series is considered one of the two greatest science fiction series of all time coming in behind only Asimov's Foundation series...
The first installment in E. E. Smith's ("Doc Smith") groundbreaking and genre defining space opera. As humanity begins reaching out to the stars, it encounters technologically advanced alien races, including the Eddorians and the Arisians. Unknown at the time to the exploring...
"TRIPLANETARY is the first of the six classic 'Lensman' books, long recognized as the greatest space opera ever written." -- John Clute "The Lensman books . . . are the books I cut my teeth on as a fan, and together they comprise one of the true milestones in science...
Edward Elmer "Doc" Smith (1890-1965), was an American science fiction writer. He was trained as a chemist, receiving his Ph.D. in 1919. During World War II, he worked for the U.S. Army, probably on munitions. After the war, he was employeed by a manufacturer of doughnut and...
We are happy to announce this classic book. Many of the books in our collection have not been published for decades and are therefore not broadly available to the readers. Our goal is to access the very large literary repository of general public books. The main contents of our...
Even back before the first bits of this story hit the newsstands, the folks who published it in Amazing Stories (January through April, 1934) knew they were on to something special. "We are sure that our readers will be highly pleased to have us give the first...