Leon Uris's beloved Irish classic, available in Avon mass market. From the acclaimed author who enthralled the world with Exodus, Battle Cry, QB VII, Topaz, and other beloved classics of twentieth-century fiction comes a sweeping and powerful epic adventure that captures the...
From the internationally acclaimed author who enthralled the world with Exodus, Battle Cry, and other classics of twentieth-century fiction comes a sweeping and powerful epic adventure. Leon Uris captures the "terrible beauty" of Ireland during its long and bloody struggle...
From the internationally acclaimed author who enthralled the world with Exodus, Battle Cry, and other classics of twentieth-century fiction comes a sweeping and powerful epic adventure. Leon Uris captures the "terrible beauty" of Ireland during its long and bloody struggle...
Leon Uris's beloved Irish classic, available in Avon mass market. From the acclaimed author who enthralled the world with Exodus, Battle Cry, QB VII, Topaz, and other beloved classics of twentieth-century fiction comes a sweeping and powerful epic...
The "terrible beauty" that is Ireland comes alive in this mighty epic that re-creates that Emerald's Isle's fierce struggle for independence. Trinity is a saga of glories and defeats, triumphs and tragedies, lived by a young Catholic rebel and the beautiful and valiant Protestant...
From the internationally acclaimed author who enthralled the world with Exodus, Battle Cry, and other classics of twentieth-century fiction comes a sweeping and powerful epic adventure. Leon Uris captures the terrible beauty of Ireland during its long and bloody struggle...