Treatment Marshes for Runoff and Polishing represents the most comprehensive and up-date-date resource for the design, construction, and operation of marsh treatment systems.
This new edition represents a complete rewrite of the surface flow sections of previous editions of Treatment Wetlands. It is based on the performance hundreds of treatment marshes over the past 40 years. Treatment Marshes focuses on urban and agricultural runoff, river and lake water improvement, and highly treated municipal effluents.
New information from the past dozen years is used to improve data interpretation and design concepts. Topics included in this book are
Diversity of marsh vegetation
Analyses of the human use of treatment marshes
New concepts of underground processes and functions
Spectrum of marsh values spanning mitigation, restoration, enhancement, and water quality improvement
Improved methods for calculation of evapotranspiration and wetland water temperatures
Hydraulics of surface and subsurface flows in marshes
Analysis of long track records for deterministic and probabilistic behavior
Consideration of integrated microbial and vegetative contaminant removals via mass balances
Uptake and emission of gases
Performance of urban and agricultural wetlands
Design procedures for urban and agricultural wetlands
Reduction of trace metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors, and trace organics
Updated capital and O&M economics, and valuation of ancillary benefits
An updated list of over 1900 references
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