Using the twin themes of traditions and encounters, this text emphasizes both the distinctive patterns of historical development within individual societies and the profound results of interactions between different societies. It explores the historical record of cross-cultural...
Traditions & Encounters has been updated and fully aligned to the new AP World History course and Exam. Integrated AP features in both the text and the digital resources support teachers and students as they transition into the new course Framework . Retaining the text's thematic...
Traditions & Encounters offers an inclusive vision of the global past one that is meaningful and appropriate for the interdependent world of contemporary times. Given the diversity of human societies, gathering and organizing the sheer mass of information in a meaningful way...
Based on Bentley and Ziegler's best-selling, comprehensive survey program, Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History provides a streamlined account of the cultures and interactions that have shaped world history. A focus on the human experience helps frame the broad scope...
Based on Bentley and Ziegler's best-selling, comprehensive survey text, Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History provides a streamlined account of the cultures and interactions that have shaped world history. The text's strong hallmark themes of traditions (the formations...
Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History, the highly-anticipated concise version of Bentley and Ziegler's best-selling survey text, provides a streamlined account of the cultures and interactions that have shaped world history. With an engaging narrative, strong thematic...