Excellent reading with all the modern science information to support the whys and hows of traditonal eating. I especially like the chapter on creating a native diet that assists the reader to develop a balance in diet according to personal needs as those needs fluctuate. While this book has no recipes and no diets...if you're looking for a complete, sound nutritional guide to healing and health - buy this book.
Dr. Schmid's book on healing, nurturing traditional foods is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to understand what *real* nutrition is all about. It shows the problems with our US Government-approved dietary recommendations and why following such dogma is making us all sick (while profiting pharmaceutical companies and the whole medical system)! Get past all the vegetarina/low fat/vegan/cholesterol-is-bad doctrine...
Awesome book on the principles of traditional healing foods. This is a great addition for anyone who wants to learn true nutrition and about the great discoveries by Weston. A Price. I highly recommend it!
I first read this book in 1987, when it was initially published. I'd picked it up in a bookstore on Fifth Avenue (that's how well I remember the occasion, 16 years later), started to read, and couldn't put it down. So I bought what for me then was an expensive book and finished it that night. It was difficult to know who to admire more after after I'd completed it, Ron Schmid, who so lucidly and modestly outlined the accomplishments...
It's disappointing that this review is only the first to appear on this extraordinary book; after three editions in twelve years, one would think more people would know about it. Unfortunately, Truth rarely basks in the spotlight: Of the minority of Americans who actually pay attention to their health habits, most will look to mainstream sources in the news, or take the bait offered in high-powered advertisements. A few...